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  • Friday, August 12, 2005


    Some Differences Between the Civil Rights and Anti-Abortion Movements

    I guess there are those who say the anti-abortion movement is morally and/or ethically equal to the Civil Rights movement. Both (supposedly) broke laws in the pursuit of a higher justice. Yet the comparison breaks down rather quickly. There are several good posts on this subject. Over on Lawyers, Guns and Money is this breakdown of differences.
    Bitch, Ph.D has a examination of John Roberts past legal involvement with some cases. She also has another post on a recent NARAL ad. And in yet a third post is this tidbit mentioning Rust v. Sullivan "in which he [Roberts] argued that Operation Rescue did not discriminate against women, but instead 'pregnant people.'" The law is very strange when an argument like that can be put forward without being laughed out of court.

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