Monday, May 09, 2005
Will Geek for Words, Part 4
Who knows where this will end? This series is the sad fate of a word junkie: obsessively sharing the obscure in hopes of piqueing public wit.
All entries below are from Word Lover's Dictionary: Unusual, Obscure, and Preposterous Words by Josefa Heifetz (New York: Carol Publishing, 1974, 1994) For previous entries in this series, please see Part 1 and Part 2. If you want to find other posts in the series, search on the title. I'm not going to update each part manually from now on. I'm considering combining the various parts at a later date but the size of the result may violate the copyright of the author.
All entries below are from Word Lover's Dictionary: Unusual, Obscure, and Preposterous Words by Josefa Heifetz (New York: Carol Publishing, 1974, 1994) For previous entries in this series, please see Part 1 and Part 2. If you want to find other posts in the series, search on the title. I'm not going to update each part manually from now on. I'm considering combining the various parts at a later date but the size of the result may violate the copyright of the author.
- famicide, n.: a slanderer; a destroyer of one's reputation.
- fastuous, adj.: arrogant, stuck-up, or showy.
- fatidic, adj.: prophetic.
- februation, n.: exorcism; religious purification.
- fellness, n.: destructive cruelty.
- felo-de-se, n.: someone who commits suicide.
- festination, n.: walking faster and faster involuntarily.
- fitz, n.: a twelfth-century patronymic for royal bastards (French fils=son).
- fleer, v.i.: to laugh lecherously or derisively. -n. 1) such a look. 2) a jeer. 3) someone who does all this.
- folie à deux, n.: a shared psychosis or delusion, especially one passed from one to another.
- fossarian, n.: a clergyman moonlighting as a gravedigger.
- franion, n.: the perennial hedonist, reveler.
- funkify, v.t.: to retreat fearfully. [This usage obviously predates the 1960s.]
- furibund, adj.: furious, enraged.
- fustianist, n.: a pretentious writer.