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  • Monday, March 26, 2007


    Collapse of Moral Imperative

    Such a sad little blog! I've been busy elsewhere, far too busy with other time and energy draining activities. Neglect of this blog has become a habit. Gone are the days of multiple postings, arrogant self-absorbed ramblings attempting to describe something deep, something of import. Instead, the shallow and ill-focussed spurts of activity look all the more skeletal for their infrequency.

    I return to find my jagged and erratic few posts of the last three or four months glaring back at me, bitter with abandonment, crazed by loneliness. My laughter is too loud, too forceful for public airing. I am sorrowful and repentant.

    But I make no promises for the future of this blog. I dream and construct illegible castles of chatter in my mind, intending to share but reluctant to break my long, stuttering silence.

    The linear writing style I've tried to maintain for this blog is foreign to my native narrative voice, a voice studded with illusion and allusion, personal and confidential. I am dulled to current events at the moment, barely keeping abreast of the odds and ends. The subjects on my mind are not what I usually write about here, and there lies my hesitation, my checked impulses, my refrained intent.

    So here I am, mumbling excuses and strange prose which seems more like free verse, redolent and flowing without seeking an end point, a conclusion.

    Later, dude.


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