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  • Sunday, October 22, 2006


    Crazy Linkage Love

    The Truth Laid Bear (TTLB) is an odd sitemeter/ranking system DemiOrator is registered with. I'm lax about checking it but it provides interesting site metrics (albeit only between registered participants.) It compares a site's inbound and outbound links and visitors and then it ranks your site on a evolutionary scale. The levels have names like Multicellular Microorganism, Crawly Amphibian, Slithering Reptile, Adorable Little Rodent, Large Mammal, Mortal Human, and Higher Being. DemiOrator is currently ranked # 7242 and designated a Crawly Amphibian. You can see DemiOrator's specifics here.

    So I figured, in an effort to repay some of the blogs who have linked to me, I might want to visit them and give back some bloggy linkage love. (To those who think this is a subterfuge to drive traffic to DemiOrator with these links, fie! Fie on you to ascribe such dishonorable motives to me! Let me definitively say "No comment." Satisfied? And it wouldn't be a very good plan even if it were true, so there!)

    I'm a little uncertain if After School Snack has a particular focus but I did enjoy this story and commentary on the ratio of prison beds to public housing units. TTLB says After School Snack is a Marauding Marsupial.

    Alternate Brain has a lot of serious political commentary. I am unable to completely load the page for some reason beyond my ken. I liked the excerpt and commentary on a review of Destined for Destiny: The Unauthorized Autobiography of George W. Bush (Hardcover) by Scott Dikkers and Peter Hilleren. TTLB says Alternate Brain is an Adorable Little Rodent.

    Brilliant at Breakfast is subtitled "Card-carrying factinista and brainiac on the nerd patrol." The blog name is taken from an Oscar Wilde epigram, always a plus in my book. Substantial quotes and commentary make posts like this one on Republican election shenanigans worth reading. TTLB says Brilliant at Breakfast is a Flappy Bird in the ecosystem.

    That's all for now. Blogger got flaky on me and I'd just like to post this before it acts up again. Perhaps more crazy linkage love later.

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