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  • Saturday, January 15, 2005


    Social Security and You

    I generally try not to get caught up in whatever current political football is rumbling Washington but there are plenty of reasons to be concerned about the future of Social Security. Most of those reasons revolve around the Bush administration's current push to change SS. This article from the American Prospect has plenty of interesting points but let me quote a paragraph (tip o' the mouse to Talking Points Memo):
    The elderly used to be an age group with an especially high rate of poverty. One of the signal achievements of Social Security, hardly noticed today, is that poverty has fallen dramatically among Americans over age 65 to just 10 percent, lower than the 12-percent rate for the population as a whole. For millions of the elderly who would otherwise be poor, Social Security is the single biggest source of income, the financial bedrock of their lives. Indirectly, their working-age children are beneficiaries of the program because the elderly no longer have to move in with them. People under age 65 also benefit from two other elements of Social Security that often get forgotten: benefits during long-term disability and survivor benefits for dependents if a worker dies before retirement. These are also important anti-poverty programs that don’t carry the stigma of welfare.

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