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  • Sunday, January 02, 2005


    Tsunami and "Moral Values"

    This entry over on AmericaBlog is an interesting compare and contrast example of tsunami response on web sites of the "religious right" and what the author refers to as the "religious left". The entry is from today, Sunday, 2 January 2005. Here are two examples from each category just to give you a taste:
    - Traditional Values Coalition has a very small link or two from WorldNetDaily about the Tsunami, but the link is BURIED on their page. No apparent appeal for money for the victims. But lots of news about the homosexual agenda, which apparently is a bigger calamity than 150,000 dead in Asia.

    - The Interfaith Alliance, the coalition of progressive religious groups meant to serve as a counterforce to the religious right, has an appeal for money for tsunami victims at the top of their site.

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